Happy Birthday Melinda

Happy Birthday, Melinda!

Happy Birthday, MeMe!!!! We are the same age again for the next few months. I hope you have a great Birthday. It has been almost two years since you were diagnosed with brain cancer. You have had your ups and downs but regardless of what has happened to your mind and body, you constantly continue to keep your faith rooted in Jesus. You are a guiding light to others that no matter what happens in life if one puts their faith in Jesus he will take care of them. GOD’s plans may not line up with our plans in this world, but his plan is what’s best for us and the ones we touch through our lives while we are here.

Melinda and I believe that all of your prayers, especially those prayer warriors throughout her life, have aided her along her lives’ journey. Thank you for praying and continuing to pray for Melinda and me through this journey together. Cancer is a journey that can not be put into words for those with it and those caring for those going through it. I pray it is a journey you or a loved one never have to take.

The treatments over the last two years have taken their toll on Melinda’s body and mind. The radiation and chemo have damaged her upper frontal lobes. Only time will tell if the damage is temporary or more permanent. Damage to the frontal lobes can result in:

  • Loss of simple movement of various body parts (Paralysis)
  • Inability to plan a sequence of complex movements needed to complete multi-stepped tasks, such as logging into a phone and sending a text (Sequencing)
  • Loss of spontaneity in interacting with others
  • Inability to express language (Broca’s Aphasia)
  • Loss of flexibility in thinking and persistence of a single idea or behavior (Perseveration)
  • Inability to focus on a task and to filter out distractions (Attention)
  • Mood fluctuations (Emotional lability)
  • Difficulty problem solving
  • Difficulty inhibiting or controlling a response or impulse (Disinhibition)
  • Reduced motivation, initiation, and persistence on activities (Adynamia)
  • Reduced awareness/insight into difficulties
  • Changes in social behavior
  • Changes in personality

Unfortunately, Melinda has exhibited many of the above symptoms. Some days are better than others, with each day having its own set of challenges. Melinda is a fighter and she continues to do her best to improve each day. She sleeps quite a bit, but when she is up, we are enjoying a little Hallmark Christmas in July as well as reading through parts of the new testament. We continue to pray for God’s will to be done and that he shows us what work he still has for us while we are in this world serving him.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for allowing Melinda to have 47 years here on this earth. Thank you for allowing me to share the last 23+ years with her and providing us with two wonderful children. Yahweh Rapha, we call on you as the great healer to restore Melinda’s health, so we may enjoy celebrating many more birthdays together. Elohim, we thank you for our church, family, and friends. We, thank you for always looking out for us and providing for us and our loved ones. We lift up those that are struggling during these uncertain times. Please comfort those fighting cancer and their caregivers. We pray that those that don’t know you will come to find you soon, before your return. A return, LORD, that appears to be getting closer and closer, based on your HOLY WORDS. JESUS, we thank you for what you did for us at the cross; because of your sacrifice no matter if we are here for 47, 57, 67, or 120 years we know that when this body dies, that through you LORD JESUS, we will be reborn with a new body and we will be with you in paradise for eternity.
In Jesus name,

About the author

Jesus saved me from my sin!