Philippians 3:13

Hindsight is 20/20

I am not sure when I first heard the phrase “hindsight is 20/20”. If you have never heard the phrase it basically means that it is easier to clearly reevaluate past actions or decisions than when they are being made or done or other words things are clearer or more obvious when they are reflected upon with the reference to the visual acuity of normal eyesight (20/20 vision). As this year ends and a new year begins many take the opportunity to reflect on the year and make goals or resolutions for the New Year. As you begin 2021, you might consider 2020 hindsight, pun intended.

There are some that believe 2021 will return us to a pre-COVID normal now that there is a vaccine. I don’t think that will happen and there are at least two things that have come about as a result of COVID-19 that I would like to see become the new normal. Prior to COVID-19 shutdowns, many businesses said there was no way their employees could work from home. Then shutdowns forced everyone home and for the most part, everyone has made the transition and been successful working from home. I would like to see this trend continue. In the areas of restaurants, I like some of the new measures put into place, especially wearing gloves at self-service buffets. I hope this remains the norm. There are other things, like tela-health, that I would like to see become the new normal, but for the most part, I too am ready for things to return to the way they were pre-COVID. I question if some in elected positions will ever allow things to return to pre-COVID norms.

If hindsight is 20/20 then mine is blurry. The CDC says the flu is down so much it almost can not be tracked. They state this is because everyone is doing such a good job wearing masks and social distancing. Then they turn around and say COVID numbers keep going up because people are not wearing their masks or social distancing. WHAT? That does not compute.

If you research mortality rates, then none of this makes sense. In Ecclesiastes 9, we are told death comes to all. Statistically speaking, 10 out of 10 people die. If you look through mortality data, the amount of deaths this year matches the projected death rates. Yes, people are dying of COVID, but they just could have easily have died of flu, cancer, car wreck, or something else. The fact is we all die. God used brain cancer to call Melinda home this year. God could have used COVID if wanted, but that was not God’s plan for her. The question is what is God’s plan for you?

I do have the answer to that question, but do have the answer to the only question that matters. Are you 100% sure you are going to Heaven when you die? Many answer YES, but with hesitation. If you ask them why they know they are going to Heaven, the answers vary but many times are not Biblical. There is no getting around the fact that we are all going to die. We do not know when; only God does. I could die tomorrow, you could die in a week, your loved one could die in a month. The problem is we do not know when that time will come, but it will come. When it does you need to be 100% sure which direction you will be going.

Contrary to some beliefs, if you or someone you love dies before coming to Jesus; IT IS TOO LATE! Sorry, to yell that, but if you love someone, and I love you, you will tell them the truth about Jesus. Think of it like this, if you saw someone standing in the middle of the road and a car was racing towards them would you not yell out to them; in an effort to warn them. It is the same when it comes to telling someone about the GOSPEL.

I am aware that many in today’s world, view Christians as bigots or haters for saying Jesus is the only way to Heaven. The fact is we are only repeating what Jesus said. In John 14:6, “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” It is my belief, that it is more hateful to not warn someone about to get hit by a car; aks someone headed for Hell, than it is to worry about someone calling me a bigot or hater.

If you love others you will tell them about Heaven and Hell, before it is too late. Tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us. I do not think you would hesitate to tell someone a racing car was coming, so why would you not do the same about the GOSPEL; especially with eternity on the line. All you can do is tell them the car is coming, they still have to move. It is the same for the GOSPEL. They will have to make a choice to follow Jesus or harden their heart and live in this world. The decision is up to them, so do not take it personally if they chose Hell over Heaven.

God created us to be with Him. (Genesis 1-2)
Our sins separate us from God. (Genesis 3)
Sins cannot be removed by good deeds. (Genesis 4 – Malachi 4)
Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again. (Matthew – Luke)
Everyone who trusts in Him alone has eternal life. (John)
Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever. (Acts – Revelation)

I grieve deeply at the thought of those that have chosen to reject Jesus and have died; for them, it is too late. I love you that is why write these words. If you do not know Jesus, you still have time. If you have friends or relatives, you still have time. Tell them the GOSPEL before it is too late. I believe that time is growing shorter for us all. Please do not wait; if you die there will be no chance for hindsight 20/20.

Please help us that follow you to stand bold and share the GOSPEL. The world is growing darker day by day. I pray that it means the hour of your return is approaching; but until that time LORD, please help us to talk with you more each day, sin less each day, and tell everyone about you every chance we get.
In Jesus name, AMEN.

About the author

Jesus saved me from my sin!