Roman12:2 God's Not Grey

GOD’s not Grey

I use Feedly to curate a few hundred weblogs into one place. Recently, as I was scrolling through my feeds I saw an article title that started with “God is Grey…”. My first thought was WHAT?; GOD is Black and White, not Grey. Good or bad, I am one of those people that live in the grey, so when I submitted my life to Jesus seeing the WORDs of GOD as black and white, not grey was a very difficult pill to swallow. The describtion for the youtube channel God is Grey states “Your guide to becoming an inquisitive, fearless, SEX POSITIVE, free thinking Christian in the modern world.” I have not watched the channel and do not plan to, but just based off the describtion I worry it may be leading GOD’s children astray.

I pray that there is some grey, but the more I read the Bible the more things become black and white. I believe the Bible makes it very clear how GOD feels about sins that many today call a life choice. It would be easier for me if the Bible was grey. Take Jesus’s The Parable of the Sower as an example; I would like to think there is grey in the story, but Jesus was clear in his words.

I would like to think that it is possible that some of those seeds the birds ate would still end up in the fertile soil, even if it was by the way of the bird’s digestive tract? That is not what Jesus says when he explains the parable to his disciples. In my grey thinking, I want to believe that those being snatched by Satan and spending time traveling in poop will one day find themselves in fertile soil.

As I continued to think does this matter, the thought of grey matter burst into my head which quickly turned to thoughts of Melinda. The MRI at the top of this post shows where they removed some of Melinda’s gray matter. As we age the grey matter between our ears slowly shrinks and/or deteriorates for many of us. For Melinda, the deterioration seems to be happening just a little bit more each day. Some days are better than others, or should I say some hours or better than others.

I think it all matters. It matters what you put into your grey matter. It matters what you believe, like is God is Grey. It matters to us that doctors really do not understand what is happening to Melinda. It matters that Melinda has begun to forget things like her own birth date. It matters when she does not recognize her own daughter standing right in front of her. It matters if the damage is permanent. It matters if the cancer is growing. It matters if the drugs she is taking are helping or hurting her. What really matters, is whether you believe Jesus when he said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.

I believe that the majority of our world believes God is grey or there is no God at all. Many call themselves Christian yet openly endorse concepts like there are many ways to God, or sins such as homosexuality, abortion, adultery, hate, and the list goes on and on. I pray that those professing to be Christian start to read their Bible daily and see that God is black and white, not grey. I know it is a struggle. I struggle with it daily.

Dear Abba,
Thank you for putting things as black and white for people like me into your WORD. Please remind me to never put YOU into the grey. Thank you for opening my heart. I still struggle to love some neighbors, but I ask that you continue to show me how. Thank you for letting me see glimpses of things through your eyes, like abortion. Forgive me for trying to view abortion in greys and not black and white. I now see that it is the killing of an innocent child regardless of the circumstances that created the child. Help to remind me that you, Jesus, have forgiven me for the filth in my life when you died for my sins on the cross. Thank you for loving me, a sinner. Thank you for my family. I lift Melinda up to you, Jehovah Rapha. She has always been in your hands and I know you have her now. Help me to deal with the day to day as you know how much I struggle. Thank you, Jesus, for family, especially her parents, being able to help. I am not sure how I should pray for those, including my own sister, that are filled with so much hate, particularly
for leaders in our country like President Trump. I lift up our leaders, including those I do not agree with, to you, Yahweh. I pray for our country. LORD, I believe we are reaping what we sowed; forgive us; forgive me. I pray that those that do not know you come too before it is too late. I fear that many will hear, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’. Lastly, LORD, we lift up all those struggling with COVID whether the disease itself or the ramifications caused by the disease to you. Please give them your loving comfort.
In Jesus name,

About the author

Jesus saved me from my sin!