
6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;

Philippians 4:6 (NKJV)

If there is one area in my walk with GOD that I struggle with the most I think it would be patiently waiting. I believe that is why Isaiah 55:8 speaks so strongly to me. The LORD has his own ways. I hope one day he will share with me why some of the things had to happen the way they did and how he used them for his glory. In the meantime, I continue to pray, worship him, and tell others about the Gospel.

Thursday, Melinda had her MRI and CTScan completed. During her exam, I ran into her oncologist. He said it would most likely be one to three weeks before we had a schedule of treatment set up for her. He said they are looking into an Intravenous chemotherapy treatment along with the focused radiation treatment. I think I may even be more nervous this time around; maybe because I have some idea what this treatment does to her. For now, we wait.

Please continue to pray for Melinda and all those faced with cancer. Also please pray for Melinda’s dad. He has been having some heart issues and is in the hospital while they try to find out what is wrong.

About the author

Jesus saved me from my sin!