For I have given rest to the weary and joy to the sorrowing.

Jeremiah 31:25 (NLT)

If I had to pick just one word to describe the past several weeks it would be “TIRED”. Melinda and I have both been sleeping a lot, yet we both still feel exhausted. I have found myself in bed by seven and asleep by eight more than a few times in the past few weeks. Melinda is usually in bed around the same time, but it takes her a few more hours to fall asleep. She then does not wake up until some time around noon. I’m thankful she is able to sleep. I pray the rest is what her body needs to heal. If we could just avoid early morning doctor appointments she would be much better off. They are really hard on her as her body does not get the rest it needs when she is forced to get up and get going early in the morning.

Good news, insurance approved another round of the cyberknife radiation treatments. Melinda had an MRI and CT scan on Thursday and was fitted for a new mask. The bad news is they called on Friday and said the MRI results were not good enough to calibrate the cyberknife treatment, so Melinda has to do another MRI this week followed by Chemo. Praying all goes well and she will begin the radiation treatments soon.

Even with all that is going on, I’m reminded daily that things could be worse. I think about the jobless and wondering how they will make ends meet. I think about those childless couples trying everything to have a child. I think about those that kill unborn babies when so many childless couples would adopt. I think about those that live with a chronic debilitating disease day after day. I think about Mike and Sandy that were traveling in Italy when Sandy had a medical emergency that ended up taking her life here on earth. I could go on and on, but the fact is we live in a fallen world. It will not get better for believers here on this third rock from the sun until Jesus returns.

I rejoice in knowing that Sandy has been called home to live with Jesus; forever. I take comfort in knowing Mike, Melinda, I and all those that believe in what Jesus did for us will one day be home too. If you don’t know Jesus, don’t wait; the Gift Of Salvation is FREE and you can have it NOW. You never know when your time on this earth will be over, please don’t wait until it is too late.

About the author

Jesus saved me from my sin!