Quick Update

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Mathew 5:4 NIV

First an update on Melinda. The first treatment was tough. The mask was so tight on her face that when she came out of treatment I could see the mesh-like impressions all over her face. Other than that we thought it went fine; then about four hours later, she started vomiting. Her stomach pains are back just like before. She is at least able to keep down bone broth, so she can keep some nutrients coming in. We are praying this is only temporary.

Secondly, I have had a lot of people ask me what I have done to lose weight. Once I start to tell them some then ask what book(s) they should read or video should they watch. As a result, I thought I would start a new blog called Independence from SAD (Standard American Diet) in honor of Independence Day.

If you want to know what books I have read or documentaries I have watched to help me on my journey I have created pages at the site. I plan to use this as more of a personal blog to keep up with things like recipes, successes, etc. I really don’t have much time to blog with all the things going on in my life, so please don’t expect a lot of updates at Independence from SAD.

Pray you are having a great Sunday and you spent some of it worshiping Abba.

About the author

Jesus saved me from my sin!