Jesus is Lord

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. – Romans 10:9

It has been two weeks since we celebrated the crucification of our LORD and savior, Jesus Christ. After celebrating, Melinda was feeling much better. She was able to travel to Houston for her nephews Birthday and then went to Lakeview Baptist Church last Sunday with no mask. We are not sure if it was the travel, not wearing the mask, allergies or a combination of everything that lead to her not feeling well Sunday afternoon. She got progressively worse through Monday and Tuesday, but by Wednesday she began to turn around and by Saturday morning she was feeling much better. That is until yours truly thought it would be a good idea to switch things up a bit and made her some bacon-cheese-hamburger patties for lunch. It did not sit well with her. She had to fight some bad stomach pains. After doing some research, it appears that some adults start to lose the ability to process lactose as they age; especially adults that have had some kind of trauma like chemo pill therapy. Anyway, lesson learned, no more dairy for Melinda.

We are very excited that both our children are doing well at TAMU. Brian is graduating this week after only three years at TAMU with a 3.9 GPA: WHOOP!!! He already started his Masters this spring so he will continue at TAMU one more year to finish that up. Megan is wrapping up her first year and after her course work this summer she will be a Junior starting in the fall. She is also on track to graduate early. If only their high school had offered more dual credit courses. I will not go off on that rant, other than to say if have a child in the K-12 system you should be asking for dual-credit courses and not AP. It could save your family thousands of dollars.

Melinda has an MRI middle of the month and a follow-up appointment at the end of the month. Please pray that nothing has changed and GOD continues to heal her from the top of head to the bottom of her feet.

We would like to close out this update with this simple request; If you do not know Jesus as your savior and would like to please let us know. We would love to share his saving grace with you.

About the author

Jesus saved me from my sin!