It’s a Wonderful Life

Last Sunday, my pastor preached on what we should all be thankful for in the preparation for Thanksgiving Day, so as Thanksgiving meals all across America are being prepared, I thought I would take some time and reflect on what I am thankful for.

I am thankful that I have a relationship with GOD that helps me deal with everything. I am thankful that I have been blessed with a beautiful wife and two great kids. I am thankful that I have relatives and friends I can count on. I am thankful that I have a job that is more of a hobby than a job, although lately, it has been more job than a hobby. I am thankful for technological advancements.

Technological advancements have changed my world. I am able to write about what I am thankful for and post it for the world to see. I am able to use my iPod to listen to podcasts and audiobooks as well as watch movies.

My iPod is just one example of how technology influences my learning and life. I watched “It’s a Wonderful Life and The Family Man Nicholas Cage on it. These movies help to remind me that I have a wonderful life and should thank GOD daily for it. Through audiobooks, I learned that we all need someone to work for. As much as I enjoy my job, I still need to know that I am working for my family to keep me going day by day. Saying I work for a boss just doesn’t do it for me. Who do you work for?

I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and hope that some new technological advancement is on your wish list the Christmas. Just be warned it may drastically change your life for the better.

About the author

Jesus saved me from my sin!