End of Month update

Melinda and I have been slowly reading through a chronological version of the Bible. We recently got to a verse in Jeremiah that really spoke to us both.

“O Lord, if you heal me, I will be truly healed; if you save me, I will be truly saved. My praises are for you alone!” – Jeremiah 17:14 NLT

We praise GOD every day for the blessings HE has given and know that HE is in control no matter the outcome. Melinda’s stomach issue seems to be doing better. She is at least eating more and keeping it down. As you can expect some days are better than others. She was supposed to have started her next round of Chemo last week but her white blood cell counts were still low. They came up enough this week that oncology told her to start but to be careful going out or being around people. It has made us both a little concerned about her getting the flu, strep, or something else since those seem to be going around right now. Please pray that this round of chemo goes well and any other illnesses like the flu stay away.

Several have asked how I am doing. I think it could best be answered like this, I have learned that one day we think we are well, and the next day we find out we are not. So when people ask me, “How’s your health?” I say, “I feel fine. And the doctors are pleased.” Which, being translated, means: “I don’t know how I am; only God knows.”

About the author

Jesus saved me from my sin!