Another Round of Chemo

And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:18 (ESV)

The past few weeks have been testing Melinda’s endurance, but through it all, she still remains upbeat and focused on others. Before she went to sleep last night, she said I pray that all of this can in some way bring others to know Jesus. We saw her oncologist two weeks ago. He informed us he is moving from Austin Cancer Center to Texas Oncology. We are trying to figure out how his moving is supposed to work, especially with health insurance.

The Oncologist has been the main point of contact through all of this.
We see the radiologist this week, but as he is with Austin Cancer Center, we are not sure how that will work in the future if Melinda follows the Oncologist over to Texas Oncology. The visit is to talk about the results of the CyberKnife (radiation) treatments.

I took Melinda to see her primary doctor on Monday as the pain in her hands moved up her right arm to her elbow and shoulder. Melinda has had pains in her hands for years. It is difficult to almost impossible for her to write more than a sentence or two. We have seen numerous specialist over the past 15 years and none have been able to identify the problem, most have tried to say it is arthritis but all test for arthritis have been negative. Melinda is trying some new medicine that we pray will alleviate the pain in her hands.

During our last visit with Oncology, he recommended another round of chemo. Melinda started that round Thursday night. Friday morning her stomach was even worse than before. The chemo will last for five days.

Please continue to Pray for Melinda, specifically…
Pray the results of the Cyberknife were a success
Pray that the medicine will help with the hand pain
Pray that the chemo does its job
Pray that her stomach pains go away so she can eat

About the author

Jesus saved me from my sin!